The Impact of Child Custody Laws on Child Well-being: A Comparative Study


  • Anish Koirala Purbanchal University
  • Ramesh Shrestha Purbanchal University
  • Nisha Gautam Purbanchal University


Child custody, child well-being, divorce, family law, shared custody


This study examines how child custody laws across different legal systems affect child well-being in post-divorce families. By comparing custody arrangements in multiple countries, the research investigates outcomes related to children's psychological health, academic performance, and social stability. Findings suggest that shared custody arrangements generally yield better outcomes for children, though the impact varies with cultural and legal factors.


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How to Cite

Anish Koirala, Ramesh Shrestha, & Nisha Gautam. (2024). The Impact of Child Custody Laws on Child Well-being: A Comparative Study. Momentum Matrix: International Journal of Communication, Tourism, and Social Economic Trends, 1(1), 01–04. Retrieved from